
Walking puppies offers two types of services for small and large dogs

Walking puppies is a group of compassionate, dog knowledgeable people prepared to provide your furry friend consistent companionship. We offer dog walks on a daily basis and daycare by appointment.

1. Walking Service

We offer regular, physical, active walks on a daily basis in order to keep your dogs exercise routine on schedule! Providing walks will help your dog to relieve stress and anxiety while keeping a happy, healthy mind and physical shape.

Ready to get started? Book your dog walk here:

2. Daycare Service

At the Walking Puppies day care service, your dog will have plenty of opportunities to socialize with other dogs, similar in size and age, in a safe and sound atmosphere supervised by our trained staff.

How dog care care service works

Mission and Core Values

Benefits of daily dog walks

You might be asking yourself, “How often should I walk my dog?”. According to our guide on how often you should walk your dog a minimum of two 15-minute walks to potty and exercise are recommended for most dogs. Many will need one or two more during the day.

Also, spending quality time walking your dog is SO rewarding that some pet parents might wonder, “Is walking your dog really exercise?”

Short answer: Yes! Walking your dog every day is a great way to stay in shape. Daily 30-minute walks reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, prevent inflammation and stiff joints.

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